FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Pushes for Rescinding Net Neutrality Rules
Public opinion seems to be in favor of net neutrality as a whole – 60% of people to be exact. Americans seem to support a regulated, open internet, and shouldn’t we all? Well, Ajit Pai seems to not think so. Many world leaders and companies (Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc), have already stated their opinions on net neutrality, and they overwhelmingly support it. So why take it away?
Azuretech has been following the issue closely – we wrote a few months back on this issue, and it’s one that’s close to us. ISP’s should treat all content online equally, and should not charge more depending on the type of content that you are watching.
The planned voting date for net neutrality proposed rollbacks is December 14. A delay was proposed since ATT’s win in a court battle with the FCC could mean less protections for consumers. However, the proposal was denied.
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